😬 18 THINGS 🤔

11:44 PM

People been asking me, what do I want to accomplish in my life since I'm officially 18 years old now..

I'm making it be '18 things' just because... why not? So, without wasting any time, here's my 18 things I wanna accomplish (not only by this year, but maybe before I become 20,21,22,23,24,25???? LOL)

 #1 BE MORE PRODUCTIVE continuously. I admit it that some day (lol) I'm not really being productive especially when it is that time of the month. I'm pretty sure girls can relate 😉 Really hope that I could do something active every day after this!

#2 BE MYSELF. Ya, this is really important. I need to focus on being myself and not let anyone influenced me I mean.. in a bad way.

#3 LEARN HOW TO COOK a yummy and healthy basic meal all by myself. Yes, I admit that I wasn't good at cooking and I've never tried to cook (by myself) before this. Soooo, ya I promise I'll try and I'll learn.

#4 LEARN SOMETHING NEW. idk man. As long as it is new, anything. I'm ready...maybe lol

#5 FALL IN LOVE with myself. Hahaha. Guys, we need to put ourselves first in everything. Love yourself more. I mean, I need to love myself more because that's the priority, i mean MY priority. If you could love someone else more than yourself, that means you're in a trouble mannn. OK BYE.

#6 GRADUATE. and that's that.

#7 RUN A BUSINESS. running a business is what I wanted to do since I was kid, so why not?

#8 HAVE MY OWN BRAND AND MY OWN MAKEUP LINE. THIS. IS. WHAT. I. WANT. SINCE. I. WAS. KID. TOO. yep, I guess I did talk about this before :/

#9 BE BOLD AND DETERMINED. yeah kid. that's the key to success.

#10 GO ON A ZIPLINE, BUNGEE JUMPING, SKYDIVING AND ETC. idk man, I love those things! Contact me if you're looking for a mate to do those things! I could be your best buddy 😉

#11 MAKE A VIDEO TO MY OLDER SELF once a year and make some predictions. three words, THIS. IS. FUN. it'll be awesome seeing how young and naive I was~back in the day~ (will make a video soon lol)

#12 LIVE HEALTHILY continuously. I'll try to be fit, eat clean, and be more healthy!! (it's funny that I'm typing this while I'm eating Nips. L.O.L)

#13 WRITE WRITE WRITE.  Diary, journal, blog, short story and etc. I wish I could write more, because I love to write and it helps me being myself (?) and I think it's good for my future as well.

#14 START MY OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL. lol, I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I want to try, but I'm not ready (i guess for now?)

#15 LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. because why not? 😉

#16 TAKE A ROAD TRIP with my best friends 💓


#18 BE FIERCE. This will gives me strength, also will keeps me being humble and keeps me motivated. I'm sure if I'm fierce, I'll live a strongly fierce life with kindness, love and passion (all i could ever ask for)

And that is all guys!!! 18 things I want to do/accomplish sooner or later!

Oh ya, today is the birthday of one of my favorite drummer, Tristan Evans! Happy birthday brada! (though he will never read this, who cares? hehe)

I think that's all for now.

To the better and bright future together 😊

Love, Neddy 💓

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  1. wish your wishes come true!

  2. loving this face ♥️

  3. wow make a video to our older self isssssss LIT

  4. one step closerrrr
